General Inquiries
If you have a general inquiry about WayPoint Resources, please use the form below to contact us.
Inclement Weather
WayPoint Resources adheres to the Waukee Community School District schedule. If Waukee has canceled classes or has an early out due to inclement weather, all services will be closed.
If the school district implements a late start on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, the food pantry will open at 12 p.m.
Request a Facility Tour or Guest Speaker
WayPoint Resources offers group tours of our facility to detail the ways we receive, store and distribute food to families throughout Dallas County. Our tours are designed to help guests better understand hunger issues and how we strive to meet the healthcare needs of our neighbors. We do not ask for donations at any time during our tours.
Guest speakers are available to address community groups, business organizations, school classrooms and clubs. Submit a completed form below and a team member will contact you regarding scheduling.