Fuel Hope, Nourish Lives
Your monetary support today, in any amount, will be used where most needed to help individuals and families in our community receive access to nutritious food, proper clothing, basic medical services, and overall support. All donations are tax-deductible.
WayPoint Resources is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Tax ID Number: 20-3107170
Give Now Online
- Make a one-time donation
- Set up a recurring donation
- Dedicate your donation
Join Our Community of Monthly Donors
Double Your Donation with a Company Match
Write a Check
WayPoint Resources
1155 SE Boone Drive
Waukee, IA 50263
Donate Through a Donor-Advised Fund
Leave a Legacy
- Planned gift in your will
- Beneficiary on a retirement account or life insurance
- Charitable gift annuity or remainder trust
Host a Fundraiser
WayPoint Resources can only reach so many people on our own. However, with your help, we can expand our support network infinitely.
Start a personal fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for WayPoint Resources among your family, friends, and colleagues. Simply click the “I Want To Fundraise” button to get started. You can customize your fundraiser with your own images and message. Use the “Copy Link” or “Share This Page” options to post your fundraiser on social media or email to your network
By using our website to create your landing page for donors, funds are sent directly to us.